Saturday 11 June 2011

One Particular Journey

The full feeling of summer has been breaking through this week, and it's a little strange but in a good way. It's the first June in four years that I haven't been summer staffing, and it feels new to have the next few months stretching before me and have to figure out what I'm going to do with it all. Quite wonderful, actually.

Yesterday we hiked about twenty-two miles through the park to a waterfall and back. As we got closer, we could hear the creek rushing, and the terrain changed and we were walking through these meadowish areas of clover and horsetails all covered by ancient redwood trees. It had a more open feel to it than just the closed redwood forest down at the entrance of the park. There was alot of anticipation right before we hit the waterfall as we scrambled up the creek. The waterfall itself was not that impressive. We thought we had got to the wrong one, and traveled further up the creek first, trying to see if there was a bigger one further up the canyon. To be honest, it was quite a nice waterfall, coming into the creek at a ninety-degree angle and surrounded by old pieces of an ancient railroad.

It reminded me of something that happened in theory class this past semester when we were studying preludes. We were trying to figure out the true return to the home key, and Fred was getting a little frustrated because we weren't seeing the obvious. The smart alec kid next to me said, "It's about the journey, Fred, it's about the journey." One of the more humorous parts of class I remember. Sometimes that statement has a lot of truth to it. 

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