Sunday 22 August 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Last week I was on an Alice in Wonderland trip, although I haven't seen the new movie. I cannot see any one thread of thought throughout the entire book, which makes it confusing, and when it ended I was like, "ok, well... that was interesting I guess." Not quite knowing what to make of it. Most books you come out of with a new perspective on life, or a different idea about some subject, but this just left me with feeling perhaps I could understand what hallucinating is like. Although I have heard that there is something in it to do with mathematical equations (I'll have to check into that), I must admit I've wondered about Lewis Carrol's sanity. From a writer's perspective, it would be rather fun to just write a book out of whatever happens to come to mind, which seems to be exactly what he's done. He must have liked white rabbits...

1 comment:

  1. Yay you're back! And look, my computer is working at the same time my internet is! Joyous day.

    Glad to see you writing again. I should learn from your example. Gimme a call one of these days. We gotta catch up.

    And you should totally do nano this year.
