Sunday 18 December 2011

Breathed In, Breathed Out...

There is a strange sort of peace floating over everything. I swear it's almost visible. Cleared the dissonance, and I can move on. There was much less to deal with than originally expected, but it is good now that it's done, nonetheless. Now as I view the restructuring (or destructuring?) of my life, it seems the possibilities are endless. It was good advice.

On the Eve

Tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Nor can it be far enough away. There is fear and anxiety, yet there is also anticipation. There will be a change tomorrow, and I am determined it shall be for the better. For the best of all concerned. It may not seem apparent at first, but I know inside that it is the inevitable answer, that it was meant to be this way. There is a grinding against the natural grain and it needs to be fixed. I only pray my action is soon enough and strong enough to create the required effect and put to right everything that has gone askew. Calculations and theories can only go so far before you must abandon them in the speed of events, and replace them with gut reactions and the leading of your heart. This particular situation involved no calculations or theories, but I thought I may as well be thorough in my statement.
Tomorrow is my nemesis, but it will hopefully be a new beginning by the time it has passed.  

Friday 16 December 2011

Like Jimmy Says It

There has been much happening lately, and not enough time or creativity to write it down, or use it metaphorically to type into a post. I feel like I don't have enough time to think when an event hits me, and I'm still trying to react or counterbalance it, or figure it into an equation when the next one comes rolling in. Rather like those huge long sets when the spring swell hits, and you get stuck in the whitewater.

Basically, I'm trying to take everything with a grain of salt and just breathe. Watching life flick by is rather interesting when it's going too fast to make major course changes. It is like Jimmy Buffett says in that one song, "Breathe in, breathe out, move on..." Precisely like that, it's a nice feeling. Things will settle out, and it'll be good. It's incredibly good at the moment; I've been pleasantly surprised.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Introspective People Watching

It's a strange sort of day
An odd day to sit on a cold bench
But the weather is not exactly cold
And people's ant-like lives
Are so infinitely interesting to watch.

Preoccupied, a man walks by
Coffee in hand, with suit and tie
A girl and boy in dialogue
But she looks down
And he talks to the fog.

It's on the hour
The crowd streams past
Individuals, hopelessly disconnected
You may be important in your virtual world
But from 100 feet up you are an ant.

What if a piano fell from the sky
Or a hole sunk into the earth
Well it wouldn't matter if it were your neighbor
But that's just another wonder of our evolving culture.