Thursday 21 July 2011

The Other Side of the Hill

It's interesting going out of town for business trips, or "schooling" trips, as the case may be. I'm liking living in a new place with new things to do and a different style to try out, but I wish the workaholic mindset would go away. At least I know I'm doing my best to pass, though.

It's funny, things are faster down south, and more spread apart, and yet it doesn't take longer to get anywhere. Traffic is a given, but it's not stressful. It seems one could never get bored exploring the endless streets and suburbs, little hideaways you never knew existed. And obviously, the weather is much warmer.

New accquaintances always put an interesting spin on one's psychology. You realize patterns of thinking you didn't know you had; some good, some bad, and some that are just different. Some things stay the same, others move on. Thoughts still course through my mind... I don't believe dreams ever leave you completely.


  1. Hi krista
    Just caught up on your posts. Glad to read them. Still trying to catch up on my summer. Think I'm home for a while now.

  2. heyy, i lost my phone, so i'm using a different number now. this also means i've lost yours, so email me and i shall give you my new digits. hope your trip is awesome!
